1.1 本协议适用于您与我们之间关于JSDMirror镜像站专属服务的所有约定。我们是指JSDMirror镜像站的运营关联单位或个人,您是指我们的服务使用人
1.2 本服务包括但不限于通过cdn.jsdmirror.com、cdn.jsdmirror.cn、xzzo.cn、mirror.js.cn等域名提供的服务,具体以官网实际提供为准。请注意,除上述域名外,其他域名并非我们所有。若发生域名更换,请及时查看官网公告获取新链接。
1.3 我们作为中立的服务提供者,将依法依规向您提供技术支持和服务。您的网站、应用、软件等产品的运营及内容责任由您自行承担。
2.1 您可以在不违反法律法规的前提下,以商业或非商业目的使用我们的服务,除非另有约定。
2.2 您依本协议取得的权利不可转让。
2.3 未经允许,您不得通过任何方式(如获取网站源站服务器IP、爆破扫描、DDOS、CC、XSS等)干扰、破坏、修改或影响本服务,导致服务器、网站或CDN非正常运行。否则,我们将保存日志并上报司法机关、行政机关,由此产生的费用及损失由您全额承担。
2.4 您应通过我们提供或认可的方式使用本服务,禁止通过第三方软件、插件、外挂、系统等使用。
2.5 未经授权,不得使用第三方软件、插件、外挂、抓包等截获、查看、修改、获取我们的相关数据,严格遵守JSDMirror官方发布的Robots协议等。
2.7 您应遵守法律法规,否则我们有权中止或终止服务,无需另行通知。
2.8 用户注册、使用账号信息应遵守法律法规,遵循公序良俗,不得损害国家、社会或他人合法权益。
2.9 用户注册、使用账号信息不得有假冒、仿冒、捏造等行为,违反《网络信息内容生态治理规定》等。
2.10 用户账号信息页面应展示合理范围内的IP地址归属地信息,便于公众监督。
2.11 建立账号信息动态核验制度,发现不符合要求的,应暂停服务并通知用户限期改正;拒不改正的,终止服务。
2.12 违反法律法规的,我们有权中止或终止服务,无需另行通知。
2.13 发现用户违反法律、行政法规和本规定的,应采取警示提醒、限期改正、限制账号功能等措施,并及时向网信等主管部门报告。
2.14 对于依法需要取得行政许可的账号,应要求其提供服务资质、职业资格等材料,并加注专门标识。
3.1 您有权依照本协议使用该服务并获得技术支持。
3.2 您不得利用我们的服务制作、复制、发布、传播违法违规内容。
3.3 您在使用本服务时,应维护互联网秩序和安全,不得侵犯任何主体的合法权益,不得实施包括但不限于以下行为:
3.4 我们应依法保护和处理用户账号信息中的个人信息,防止未经授权的访问及泄露。
3.5 建立健全互联网用户账号信用管理体系,将账号信息相关信用评价作为重要参考指标。
3.6 在显著位置设置投诉举报入口,及时处理用户和公众投诉举报。
3.7 您应保护个人信息和隐私,不得泄露或滥用他人的个人信息。如上传含有Exif信息图片,身份证,手机号,地标等等
3.8 您有权按照本协议约定使用我们的服务,并获得必要的技术支持。
3.9 您应维护互联网秩序和安全,不得实施任何违法、违规或侵犯他人权益的行为
4.1 您理解并同意,在使用本服务过程中,可能会遇到不可抗力等风险因素,使服务受到影响。出现上述情况时,我们将努力配合处理,但由此造成的损失在法律允许的范围内免责。
4.2 在法律允许的范围内,我们对以下情形导致的服务中断或受阻不承担责任:
4.3 您理解并同意,使用本服务可能会遇到网络信息或其他用户行为带来的风险,我们不对信息的真实性、适用性、合法性承担责任,也不对侵权行为造成的损害负责。
4.4 我们依据本协议获得处理违法违规内容的权利,但不构成义务或承诺,不能保证及时发现或处理违法行为。
4.5 您不应轻信涉及财产的信息,涉及财产操作的,请先核实对方身份,并留意政府官方防骗提示。
4.6 您知悉并同意,用户在平台上上传、发布或传输的内容为用户个人行为,我们不对其准确性、真实性等承担责任。
4.7 您在使用信息内容时,应进行独立判断并合法使用,因使用行为造成的损害,我们不承担责任。
4.8 如用户在镜像站或GitHub中存在违规行为导致账号被封禁,则无法继续使用镜像站服务,我们不承担责任。
4.9 如收到上级政府或云厂商要求封锁加速地址域名,则用户无法继续使用镜像站服务,我们不承担责任。
5.1 本协议条款标题仅为阅读方便,无实际涵义,不能作为解释依据。
5.2 本协议条款部分无效或不可执行时,其余条款仍有效。
5.3 如本协议有中文、英文等版本,冲突时以中文版本为准。
5.4 本条款与中华人民共和国法律或其他国家法律不一致时,按照服务所在的中国大陆法律执行。
5.5 我们可能根据法律变更或网页功能变动修改或更新本条款,无需事前通知。
5.6 您继续使用我们的网页或服务,即表示同意被修订后的条款约束。
5.7 本协议签订地为中华人民共和国大连市。
5.8 本协议的解释、效力及纠纷解决,适用中华人民共和国大陆地区法律。
5.9 若因本协议发生任何纠纷或争议,各方应当友好协商解决,协商不成的,均应提交本协议签订地有管辖权的人民法院解决。
[Chapter and Introduction]
Welcome to use our services! In order to use the services of this mirror station, you should read and abide by our Network Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement"). Please read carefully and fully understand the contents of each clause, especially the clauses that exempt or limit the liability of the mirror station, the clauses that restrict user rights, and the clauses that stipulate dispute resolution methods and jurisdiction.(such as the relevant agreement in Article 5), etc., limitations and exemptions unless you have fully read, fully understood and accepted all terms of this agreement, we do not recommend you to use this service. If you confirm through the website or in any other express or implied way, you accept this agreement, you will be deemed to have read and agreed to sign this agreement. It will be deemed that you have read and agreed to be bound by this agreement, and it will become a legal document binding on both parties. If you do not have full civil capacity due to age, intelligence and other factors, please read and judge whether you agree to this agreement accompanied by your legal guardian (hereinafter referred to as the "guardian"), and pay special attention to the terms of use for minors. If you are a user outside of the mainland of China, you must also comply with the laws of the country or region where you belong and/or are located when entering or performing this agreement.
1.[Scope of Agreement]
1.1 This Agreement is an agreement between the user and us regarding their use of relevant services. "We" refers to the operating affiliates or individuals whose related services may exist. "User" means the user of our services and is more referred to as "you" in this agreement.
1.2 This service refers to the services provided by JSDMirror mirror station to users, including but not limited to services provided by cdn.jsdmirror.com, cdn.jsdmirror.cn, xzzo.cn, mirror.js.cn and other domain names. The specific services shall be subject to the actual services provided by the official website (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). Other than that, domain names are not ours! If there is a domain name change, please check the official website's announcement and replace the new link in time.
1.3 We are a neutral JSDMirror mirror service provider, providing you with various technical products and services in accordance with the contract, legal compliance and compliance; any products, services and related content such as your website, application, software, platform, etc. shall be operated by you and assume full responsibility.
2.[Conditions for using this service]
2.1 This service does not restrict any commercial use unless you agree otherwise with us.
2.2 The rights you acquire under the terms of this Agreement are not transferable.
2.3 You may not use any method without permission (Including but not limited to trying to obtain the IP of the website's origin server and blasting and scanning DDOS CC XSS, etc.) Interference, damage, modify or exert other influence on this service, resulting in abnormal operation of the server or website and the CDN. If you do the above behavior, we will keep a log and report it to the judicial and administrative authorities. If you cause the CDN, the origin server, etc., you shall bear the full responsibility. If your behavior indirectly or directly causes losses to the third-party service provider, you should also bear the full responsibility.
2.4 You shall use the Service through the methods provided or approved by us, and shall not use the Service through any third-party software, plug-ins, plug-ins, systems, devices, etc.
2.5 No one is allowed to use any third-party software, plug-ins, plug-ins, grabbing packages, systems, etc. to intercept, view, modify, or obtain our relevant data contained in this service without our authorization. They shall strictly abide by the Robots Agreement and other relevant agreement rules issued by JSDMirror.
2.6 You understand and agree that we have always been committed to providing users with a civilized, healthy, standardized and orderly network environment, and that you may not use our services to create, copy, publish, or disseminate the following content that interferes with the normal operation of this service or infringes on other users or third parties. Legal rights and interests. You are not allowed to make, upload, copy, publish, transmit, disseminate or reprint content that violates national laws and regulations:
(1) Those who oppose the basic principles established in the Constitution.
(2) Endangering national security, revealing state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity.
(3) Damage to the honor and interests of the country.
(4) Distorting, vilifying, blasphemizing, or denying the deeds and spirit of heroic martyrs, and infringing on the names, portraits, reputations, and honors of heroic martyrs by insulting, slandering or other means.
(5) Those who promote terrorism or extremism or incite terrorist or extremist activities.
(6) Those who incite ethnic hatred and discrimination, and undermine ethnic unity.
(7) Those who undermine the country's religious policies and promote cults and feudal superstitions.
(8) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability.
(9) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, terrorism or instigating crimes.
(10) Insulting or slandering others, infringing on others 'reputation, privacy or other legitimate rights and interests.
(11) Use exaggerated titles and the content is seriously inconsistent with the title.
(12) Hyping up scandals, scandals, misdeeds, etc.
(13) Inappropriately commenting on natural disasters, major accidents and other disasters.
(14) Those with sexual hints, sexual teasing, etc. that are easy to cause sexual associations.
(15) Show blood, horror, cruelty, etc. that causes physical and mental discomfort.
(16) Inciting group discrimination, regional discrimination, etc.
(17) Those who promote vulgar, vulgar, and kitsch content.
(18) Those that may cause minors to imitate unsafe behaviors and violate social morality, induce minors to have bad habits, etc.
(19) Content that infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of minors or harms the physical and mental health of minors.
(20) Other content that adversely affects the network ecology.
(21) Inciting illegal assemblies, associations, marches, demonstrations, gatherings to disrupt social order.
(22) Activities in the name of illegal non-governmental organizations.
(23) Violating the "seven bottom lines" requirements of the bottom line of laws and regulations, the bottom line of the socialist system, the bottom line of national interests, the bottom line of citizens 'legitimate rights and interests, the bottom line of social public order, the bottom line of moral customs and the bottom line of information authenticity.
(24) Use mirror stations to store and upload infringing pictures and documents, including pictures/documents that infringe on personal privacy, corporate copyright, suspected confidential documents,(including but not limited to suspected national/government agencies/enterprises), etc.
(25) Other illegal pictures/files (including but not limited to reactionary, gambling, computer viruses, fraud, black property, illegal drugs, etc.); pictures/files that violate the laws and regulations of any country or region;
(26) Other content prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
2.7 You should abide by laws and regulations in accordance with the service rules, otherwise we have the right to suspend or terminate your service without further notice.
2.7 When Internet users register, use and Internet information service providers manage Internet user account information, they must abide by laws and regulations, follow public order and good customs, be honest and trustworthy, and must not harm national security, social public interests or the legitimate rights and interests of others.
2.8 If user registration and use account information contains professional information, it should be consistent with the individual's true professional information.
2.9 Users may not register and use account information in the following circumstances:
(1) Violating the provisions of Articles 6 and 7 of the Regulations on Ecological Governance of Internet Information Content;
(2) Counterfeiting, counterfeiting, or fabricating the names, logos, etc. of political parties, party, government and military organs, enterprises and institutions, people's organizations and social organizations;
(3) Counterfeiting, counterfeiting, or fabricating the names, logos, etc. of countries (regions) and international organizations;
(4) Counterfeiting, counterfeiting, or fabricating the names, logos, etc. of news websites, newspapers and periodicals, radio and television organizations, news agencies and other news media, or using names, logos, etc. with news attributes such as "news" and "report" without authorization;
(5) Counterfeiting, counterfeiting, and maliciously associated geographical names, logos, etc. in important spaces such as national administrative regions, institutional locations, and landmark buildings;
(6) For the purpose of harming public interests or seeking illegitimate interests, deliberately carrying QR codes, website addresses, email addresses, contact information, etc., or using homophones, homophones, similar words, numbers, symbols and letters, etc.;
(7) Contains content that is not worthy of its name, exaggerated, etc. that may deceive or misunderstand the public;
(8) Contains other content prohibited by laws, administrative regulations and relevant national regulations.
2.10 The user account information page displays Internet Protocol (IP) address attribution information of Internet user accounts within a reasonable range to facilitate public supervision in the public interest.
2.11 Establish a dynamic verification system for account information to verify existing account information in a timely manner. If it is found that it does not meet the requirements of these Regulations, the service shall be suspended and the user shall be notified to make corrections within a time limit; if it refuses to make corrections, the service shall be terminated.
2.12 You should comply with the service rules and regulations, and we have the right to suspend or terminate your service without further notice.
2.13 If an Internet user is found to have violated laws, administrative regulations and these Provisions in registering or using account information, he or she shall take disposal measures such as warning reminders, correction within a time limit, restriction of account functions, suspension of use, closure of accounts, and prohibition of re-registration in accordance with the law and the contract, and keep relevant records and report to relevant competent authorities such as Netcom in a timely manner. nbsp;
2.14 For users applying for registration of accounts that provide Internet news information services, online publishing services and other Internet information services that require administrative licensing in accordance with the law, or applying for registration of accounts engaged in the production of information content in the fields of economy, education, medical and health, justice, etc., Internet information Service providers shall require them to provide relevant materials such as service qualifications, professional qualifications, and professional background, which shall be verified and marked with special marks in the account information.
Article 3 Your rights and obligations
3.1 You have the right to use the service and receive our technical support in accordance with this agreement.
3.2 You understand and agree that we have always been committed to providing users with a civilized, healthy, standardized and orderly network environment, and that you may not use our services to create, copy, publish, or disseminate the following content that interferes with the normal operation of this service or infringes on other users or third parties. Legal rights and interests
3.3 When using this service, you must maintain the order and security of the Internet, must not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of any entity, and must not engage in any acts including but not limited to the following.
3.3.1 Reference this project to fraudulent, hypocritical, misleading, illegal behavior, or any act that infringes on other people's intellectual property rights and other legitimate rights and interests, such as "private service","plug-in","Seqing","Wei Pin" and other websites accelerate.
3.3.2 Accelerate the publication and dissemination of spam (SPAM) or websites containing illegal and illegal information that endangers national order and security, feudal superstition, obscenity, pornography, vulgarity, etc.
3.3.3 Reference this project to violate the operating regulations of networks, equipment or services connected to the mirror station network; engage in illegal or unauthorized access, misappropriation, interference or monitoring of mirror station data.
3.3.4 Carry out any act that undermines or attempts to undermine network security, including but not limited to malicious scanning of websites and servers, illegal intrusion into systems, illegal acquisition of data, etc. by using viruses, Trojans, malicious code, phishing, etc.
3.4 Internet information service providers shall protect and handle personal information in Internet user account information in accordance with the law, and take measures to prevent unauthorized access and disclosure, tampering, and loss of personal information.
3.5 Establish and improve the Internet user account credit management system, use credit evaluation related to account information as an important reference indicator for account credit management, and provide corresponding services accordingly.
3.6 Set up a convenient complaint and reporting entrance in a prominent location, publish complaint and reporting methods, improve mechanisms for acceptance, screening, disposal, and feedback, clarify processing procedures and feedback time limits, and promptly handle complaints and reports from users and the public.
3.7 Service availability
(1) We guarantee that the availability is not less than 98%,(except for those under the exemption clause). Assuming that the month is 30 days, the service cycle available time should be 30 days ×24 hours ×60 minutes ×98%=42954 minutes, which means that there is an unavailable time of 43200-42954=246 minutes.
4.[Force Majeure and Other Exemptions]
4.1 You understand and agree that in the process of using this Service, you may encounter risk factors such as force majeure, which may affect this Service. Force majeure refers to objective events that cannot be foreseen, overcome and unavoidable and have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, plague epidemics and storms, and social events such as wars, unrest, and government actions. When the above situation occurs, we will try our best to cooperate with relevant units as soon as possible and strive to deal with it in a timely manner, but we will exempt you from any losses caused thereby to the extent permitted by law.
4.2 To the extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for service interruption or obstruction caused by:
(1) Damaged by computer viruses, Trojans or other malicious programs, or hackers.
(2) The computer software, systems, hardware and communication lines of both parties fail.
(3) The user operates improperly or the user uses this service in a way not authorized by us.
(4) Obsolete program version, aging of equipment and/or compatibility issues.
(5) Situations beyond our control or reasonable foreseeable.
(6) Third-party service providers are paralyzed.
(7) Sudden traffic causes cdn arrears/Currently, the current amount is about 1.5TB per month, and the recharge is between 2TB per month.
(8) The ICP registration number is no longer available
4.3 You understand and agree that in the process of using this service, we may encounter risks caused by network information or other user behavior. We are not responsible for the authenticity, applicability, and legality of any information, nor for the damage caused to you by infringement. These risks include but are not limited to:
(1) Information from others anonymously or falsely containing threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal content.
(2) Suffering any psychological, physical harm and financial loss caused or likely to be caused by misled, deceived or otherwise caused by others.
(3) Other risks caused by network information or user behavior.
4.4 We have the right to handle illegal and illegal content in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. This right does not constitute our obligation or commitment, and we cannot guarantee that illegal activities will be discovered in a timely manner or processed accordingly.
4.5 Under no circumstances should you trust borrowing money, asking for passwords or other property-related information. If property operations are involved, please be sure to verify the identity of the other party first, and please always pay attention to government official tips on preventing fraud crimes.
4.6 You acknowledge and agree that the content uploaded, posted or transmitted by users on the Platform is the personal behavior of users, and we are not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, availability, security, integrity and legitimacy of such information and content. You hereby agree to waive and add our relevant responsibilities.
4.7 When you use, share, download, etc. relevant information and content ("Usage Behavior"), you should make independent judgment and use it legally. We will not bear any responsibility for any damage to yourself or damage to third parties caused by your usage behavior.
4.8 Users understand and agree that if a user commits violations in the mirror site or github resulting in the/gh/user account being blocked, the user cannot continue to use (including but not limited to browsing, storage, synchronization, management, sharing and downloading, etc.) the mirror site services, and we assume no responsibility.
4.9 If we receive a request from the higher-level government/cloud factory department to block the corresponding accelerated address domain name, the user cannot continue to use the mirror station service (including but not limited to browsing, storage, synchronization, management, sharing and downloading, etc.). We do not assume any responsibility.
5.[Application of Law]
5.1 The titles of all clauses in this agreement are for ease of reading only and have no actual meaning in themselves and cannot be used as the basis for the interpretation of the meaning of this agreement.
5.2 No matter what reason the terms of this agreement are partially invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms are still valid and binding on both parties.
5.3 If this Agreement is available in Chinese, English or other languages, and if there is any conflict between the corresponding terms, the Chinese version shall prevail.
5.4 If these Terms are inconsistent with the laws of the People's Republic of China or the laws and regulations of other countries, they shall be enforced in accordance with the the mainland of China where the service is located
5.5 We may need to modify or update these Terms in accordance with changes in law or to reflect changes in the web page and its functions. To the extent permitted by applicable law, we may update our website and these Terms without prior notice (except for the most recent revision date at the top of these Terms).
5.6 By continuing to use our website or services, you agree to be bound by these revised Terms.
5.7 The place of signing this agreement is Dalian City, People's Republic of China.
5.8 The interpretation, validity and dispute resolution of this agreement shall apply to the laws of mainland China of People's Republic of China.
5.9 If any dispute or dispute arises due to this agreement, the parties shall resolve it amicably through negotiation. If negotiation fails, it shall be submitted to the people's court with jurisdiction at the place where this agreement is signed for resolution.
6.1 If you have comments or suggestions on this agreement or this service, you can contact our customer service department (ayao@cola.email) and we will provide you with necessary help. (End of the main text)